Faith EBC Bulletin – November 22, 2020

Order of Service

Chairman – John

Congregational Singing – John’s Worship Team

Scripture Reading – Cornie – Ephesians 1:15-23

Message: Communion

This Week

Due to the current COVID-19 restrictions, all church ministries will be held virtually online. Please keep an eye out for email updates.

Church Cleaning – (Nat & Candice / Andreas & Lena)

Upcoming Events

Baptism Candidates: Reagan Bergen, Ashton Fehr, Simon Dueck, Josh Wieler, Dusty-Lee Preteau, Selina Wiebe


Missionary Focus

Don & Nancy Rempel serving with Christar in India

Church Of The Week

Hebron Bible Church in Hebron, Nebraska – Pastor Jeff & Wendy Friesen.