Faith EBC Bulletin – November 29, 2020

Order of Service

Chairman – Nat

Congregational Singing – Eric’s Worship Team

Scripture Reading – Jakob P. – 2 Kings 15:37-16:4

Message: The Maginification Of Faith In The Midst Of Fear

This Week

Bible Classes – Due to the current COVID-19 restrictions, all church ministries will be held virtually online. Please keep an eye out for email updates.

Church Cleaning – ()

Upcoming Events

Baptism Candidates: Reagan Bergen, Ashton Fehr, Simon Dueck, Josh Wieler, Dusty-Lee Preteau, Selina Wiebe


Missionary Focus

Don & Nancy Rempel serving with Christar in India

Church Of The Week

All FEBC Church Pastors Praise God for all our FEBC pastors, their wives and families! Pray that churches and pastors will work together in a mutually supportive manner. Pray for our churches that are seeking pastors.