Bulletin – July 4, 2021

Order of Service

Chairman – Nat

Congregational Singing – Eric’s Worship Team

Scripture Reading – Erik B. – Matthew 7:1-7

Special Music –

Message: The Dangers Of Judging Unjustly – Romans 2:1-5


This Week

Small Groups Group leaders will be contacting their groups and arrange for meetings
Thursday Women’s Breakaway – cancelled.
Friday 6:30 – 8:00 a.m. – Men’s Prayer Time
Next Sunday 11:00 a.m. – Worship Service in person and online
Church Cleaning: (Bill & Lilli / Dave & Amanda)


Missionary Focus

Far East Broadcasting Canada

Church of the Week

Connect 21 FEBC Convention Pray that attendees will be strengthened and renewed for local ministry. Pray that our churches will truly connect with one another