Bulletin – September 4, 2022

Order of Service

Chairman – Nat

Congregational Singing

Scripture Reading – Daniel 3:14-28 – Frank P.

Message: Overcomer – Frank K.

This Week

Saturday 8:00 a.m. – Mens Prayer Breakfast. Both Faith EBC and Emmaus will be meeting together. Andrew’s Small Group, Nat’s College & Career Group, and Cornie’s Small Group are responsible for Menu & Devo


Cleaning Ministry John & Eva, Jakob & Maria


Upcoming Events

Sunday School Picnic – Sunday Sept 11th, Please sign-up

TWR Canada Banquet – Saturday Sept 17th, let Mike know if you would like to go to this banquet

Small Groups will be starting the week of Sept 13th

Bible Classes will be starting the week of Sept 19th – New Book 1 Class will be starting on Thursday Sept 22nd


Missionary Focus

Victor & Rose, Sally Fernandez pastoring in the Philippines

Church of the Week

Grace Church
Abbotsford, MB
Pastor Ryan & Heather Peixoto