Bulletin – November 20, 2011

Date: November 20, 2011

Chairman: Les

Order of Service


Welcome and Announcements

Congregational Singing

Scripture Reading – Jody

Special Music – Thiessen family

Congregational Singing


This Week

Cornie’s Worship Team Practice – Monday @ 6:00 pm
Bible Quizzing – Tuesday @ 7:00 pm
Women’s Breakaway – Thursday @ 9:30 am
Youth – Thursday @ 7:00 – 9:30 pm
Men’s Prayer Time – Friday @ 6:30 – 8:00 am
Cleaning Ministry (Nov 27 & Dec 4) – Nik & Elena D / Bruce & Heather / Ellie Funk

Bible Classes

Book 2 – Today @ 3:00 at Viktor & Helen’s
Book 2 – Monday @ 7:00 at the Church
Book 3 – Tuesday @ 7:00 at Mike & Renee’s
Book 9 – Wednesday @ 7:00 at the Church

Upcoming FEBC Events

Ladies Fellowship – Monday, November 28 @ 7:00 pm

Adult Christmas Banquet – Saturday, December 3; sign-up sheet in the foyer.

Christmas Program – Sunday, December 18 @ 7:00 pm

Sunday morning practice will begin in the sanctuary on November 20th. Please have your children here by 9:30 am
Dress rehearsal for Grades 1-6 on Saturday, December 17th from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm.

Upcoming Community Events

Enjoy Handel’s Messiah performed by Southern Manitoba Choral Society.
Sat. Dec. 3, 7:00 p.m. at Buhler Hall, Gretna
Sun. Dec 4, 7:00 p.m. at Winkler Bergthaler Church
Admission by donation

You are invited to attend the “FOOD FOR HAITI” concert with the Tennessee Three (the former Johnny Cash Band) on Tuesday, December 6th, starting at 7:30 PM. The concert will be held at the P.W. Enns Centennial Concert Hall. Net proceeds of all sponsorships and ticket sales will go towards the costs of shipping a container load of edible beans to Haiti. This shipment will be leaving the middle of January and will provide 240,000 meals for the  people of Haiti.

This January 4-5, Winkler Bible Camp is bringing the fun and excitement of summer camp to winter! Junior campers (grades 3-6) can register for a thrilling two days of camp where they’ll get to enjoy chapel, great summer activities moved indoor, like the climbing wall, plus many new fun winter activities! The cost is just $90. Register now for WBC’s 2-day Junior Winter Camp at www.winklerbiblecamp.com. Call 325-9519 if you have any questions. You won’t want to miss it!

Club 30 & Club 60 Verses of the Week

Club 30 & 60
Hebrews 5:13 Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness.

Club 60
Hebrews 5:14 But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.

Church of the Week

FEBC Commission on Women’s Ministries
Pray that they can effectively assist local women’s ministry groups.

Missionary Focus

Fran Hartog
NCEM Fisher Bay