Bulletin – November 18, 2012

Date: November 18, 2012

Chairman: Cornie

Order of Service


Welcome and Announcements

Congregational Singing

Scripture Reading – Viktor D. – 2 Corinthians 2:1-13

Special Music – Beth

Congregational Singing

Message: Repentance, Regret and Godly Sorrow – 2 Corinthians 7

This Week

Cornie’s Worship Team Practice – Monday @ 6:00 pm
Ladies Fellowship – Monday @ 7:00 pm
Bible Quizzing – Tuesday @ 7:00 pm
Ladies Breakaway – Thursday @ 9:30 am; “Love and Respect” Study
Youth – Thursday @ 7:00 pm
Men’s Prayer Time – Friday @ 6:30 – 8:00 am
Cleaning Ministry (November 18 & 25) – Viktor & Nellie D. / Nik & Elena D.

Small Groups

Mike’s New Group – Tuesday @ 7:00 pm at Mike & Renee’s
Spiritual Gifts Group – Wednesday @ 7:00 pm at Faith EBC
Cornie’s Group – Wednesday @ 7:00 pm at Ed & Olga’s
Les’ Group – Wednesday @ 7:00 pm at Jerry & Mary’s
Victor’s Group – Wednesday @ 7:00 pm at Rudy & Nelly’s
Brad’s Group – Wednesday @ 7:00 pm at Bill & Lilli’s

Upcoming FEBC Events

Ladies Fellowship – Monday, November 19th @ 7:00 pm

Next Sunday morning we will be celebrating the Breaking of Bread

Please note:  The Church building will be in use on Friday and Saturday Nov. 23-24 for a wedding.

Friday Dec 14th, Adult Christmas Banquet at Faith EBC– more to come, mark your calendar

Sunday School Christmas Program – Sunday evening, December 23rd.

Upcoming Community Events

Please join the Salem Foundation for a “Christmas Carol Sing-Along” on Sunday, November 18th at the Winkler Bergthaler Mennonite Church. Faspa will be served at 4:00 pm, followed by the singing of traditional Christmas Carols at 4:40 pm. Special music will include male voice harmony of Bethel Quartet, and gifted violin duo, Bella Musica. Proceeds from the freewill offering will be used to purchase Adjustable Dining Tables for Salem Home Residents. Thank You for Making a Difference in Our Resident’s Lives!

Winkler Bible Camp is currently seeking a Summer Camp Director. This is a full-time, year round, salaried position. The main duties include planning and overseeing WBC’s Summer Camp Ministry as well as connecting with Summer Staff throughout the year. If you are interested and would like a more detailed job description, please contact Mark at WBC, 204-325-9519 or mark@winklerbiblecamp.com.

Church of the Week

Martensville Mission Church
Martensville, Saskatchewan
Pastor Wilf and Sharon Gaertner
Assoc. Pastor Brendan and Tara Johnson

Missionary Focus

Wes & Barb Peters working with a church planting ministry in Europe