Bulletin – January 16, 2022

Order of Service

Chairman – Frank

Congregational Singing

Scripture Reading – Jakob P. – John 17:20-26

Message: One Who Prays For Us – John 17

This Week

Tuesday 7:00 p.m. – Mike’s Group at Faith EBC
  7:00 p.m. – John’s Group at Bill & Lilli’s
Wednesday 7:00 p.m. – Youth at Emmaus.
Thursday 9:00 a.m. – Women’s Breakaway
  7:00 p.m. – Mike’s Group at Faith EBC
  7:00 p.m. – Henry’s Spiritual Gifts Group at Emmaus
  7:00 p.m. – Les’ Group at Faith EBC
  7:00 p.m. – Frank’s Group at Faith EBC
Friday 6:30 – 8:00 a.m. – Men’s Prayer Time
  7:00 p.m. – College & Career meet at Faith EBC.
  7:00 p.m. – Cornie’s Group at Faith EBC
Cleaning Ministry: Rick & Tina / Artur & Tina


Upcoming Events

Next Sunday We will be remembering the Lord – Breaking of Bread

January 28 6:45 p.m. -Ladies Fellowship Movie Night


Missionary Focus

Victor & Rose Fernandez serving as a pastor couple in the Philippines

Church of the Week

FEBC Board of Directors
Pray that God gives the Directors the wisdom as they nurture and oversee the total ministry of our Fellowship